CASH BOX Singles – Looking Ahead
Week ending NOVEMBER 13, 1976
TWTITLE   Artist (Label)LWWKS
101BABY, I’LL GIVE IT TO YOU   Seals & Crofts (Warner Bros. 8277)  1
102DO IT TO MY MIND   Johnny Bristol (Atlantic 3360)  1
103DUKE OF EARL   Bergen White (Private Stock 45,105)108  3
104SLOW DANCING   Funky Kings (Arista 0209)  1
105OPEN SESAME (pt. 1)   Kool & Gang (De-Lite 1586)  1
106YOU’RE THE ONE   Blood, Sweat & Tears (Columbia 10400)109  4
107SALTY TEARS   Thelma Jones (Columbia 10403)111  4
108MAKE IT UP TO ME IN LOVE   Odia Coates & Paul Anka (Epic 50298)118  2
109LONG, LONG TIME   Larry Santos (Casablanca 869)119  2
110SOMEDAY (I Didn’t Want To Have To Be The One)   Henry Gross (Lifesong 45014)  1
NOTE: This week Cash Box reduced the number of positions on its Looking Ahead chart to 10.
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